Raspberry ice cream

Berries are great – I love to eat them as is, make jams and so on.

Sadly, they are not available locally and usually the frozen version is the most common way to get berries. When life hands you lemons you make a lemonade – if all you have are frozen berries – make a berry ice cream!

Here is my recipe:

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Natural raspberry ice cream protocol:

Preparation time:  20 minutes

Complexity:          Simple

Required tools (as shown in the “how to” pages):

  1. A blender
  2. A 1 liter bowl
  3. A silicone spatula
  4. Ice cream maker
  5. A measuring pitcher (0.5-1 liter)


  1. 1/3rd cup (= 70gr or 2.5oz) granular white sugar
  2. 200-250ml heavy cream (15% or 32% fat).
  3. 200ml milk
  4. 1 cup (90gr or 3oz) of raspberries

Note: In any case do NOT use cheap flavors or flavored sugar or powders – they taste very poorly as they are synthetic and that will make a poor ice cream.


Place all the ingredients in the blender and blend your ice cream ingredients until homogeneous. Once the mix is homogeneous and the sugar has completely dissolved the mix is ready. The blender will not destroy the raspberry seeds – so if you like your ice cream to sting a little (they are sharp) and have a crunchy texture omit the next step.

Sift your ice cream mix into a clean bowl – or better yet, a measuring cup – to get rid of the raspberry seeds before adding it into the ice cream maker. Turn your ice cream maker on and once the blade starts to rotate in the ice cream maker bowl – pour the mix into the ice cream maker.

This is the perfect time to wash all the dishes.

Allow the ice cream maker to run until the ice cream spins along with the mixing blade. It usually takes 15-20 minutes depending on how cold your freezer is. A standard refrigerator freezing box cools to roughly 18C (or 0F) – and it will take your ice cream maker about 20 minutes. A standard full size non-frost freezer cools to -21c (or -6F) which takes roughly 15 minutes to make it.

You can eat the ice cream immediately or place the ice cream in a container and place it in the freezer.

Important notes:

  • Always make sure to start your ice cream maker BEFORE you add the ice cream. If you do not – the ice cream mix layer that is touching the walls will instantly freeze and your ice cream maker motor will not be able to move and rotate the blade.
  • Make sure the sugar has completely dissolved! This is vital or the sugar crystals will form round ice balls in your ice cream.

Yours sweetly,
