Citrus fruits are one of the best things in nature.<\/p>\n
Accordingly, citrus candies are fun, easy to make – especially during the winter, when we have lovely fresh lemons and oranges.<\/p>\n
One of my most favorites (and my kids too) are the orange candies. Orange zest, pulp, juice and peels are all wonderful sources for candies and jams. I love oranges in every way possible – fresh, candied, liquor\u00a0 or a jam!<\/p>\n
To me, the lovely thing about Orange candies is that they go wonderfully well with winter\u2026 don’t believe me? Add some orange peel to your herbal tea next time \u2013 and you will see what I mean\u2026 Nothing beats home made orange candies in the winter\u2026 kids will be running towards the kitchen and it’s a joy to give to friends. These natural organic candies do smell and taste like oranges \u2013 because that is what we will use!<\/p>\n